PaperStreetCash Review

PaperStreetCash Review

PaperStreetCash Affiliate Program Review is one of the best programs for affiliates looking for top-tier adult content spreading across all the popular niches.


They have even hopped onto the taboo bandwagon to provide affiliates with a broader selection. They are adding new promotional content regularly while their sites and galleries are loaded with rich text that affiliates can use to make their own promotional copy. If you are an affiliate interested in micro-niche content, you will have to find your way through the huge gallery and tool listings. In the past, this program used to provide affiliates with several feeds including but not limited to hosted blogs. It seems they have now done away with all other feeds and settled for NATS4. However, we cannot write off the possibility that the feeds are still available, just that we couldn’t find them when navigating the webmaster. We highly suspect that to be the case. It is not too much of a loss though as those feeds rarely updated and those that did were not too useful anyway.


If you are an affiliate that likes staying in the loop regarding the latest promotional tool updates, head over to the account details section of the admin panel and enable the feeds option. Note that these will only help you get the latest tools but won’t help you with direct promotion. However, you will still find them useful and convenient.

The program also offers affiliates the chance to have the latest updates and bonus promo tools (for instance exciting GIFs) sent directly to their inbox. All you have to do is head over to the programs settings panel and ‘accept mailings’. We highly encourage you to take that option.

There is a lot to love about the PaperStreetCash adult affiliate program. They have a load of great adult content to promote although they are lacking in the more ‘imaginative’ genres for those with kinkier tastes. Still worth a look around.